Sunday, May 25, 2014

母親節的小禮物 Small gift for Mother's Day - Brown Brothers Muscat

Something little, something sweet.
My helper is always the most caring so she already sent flower bouquet for my mum's birthday. What should I do?
No doubt, a bottle of wine. This has to be  little and decent as my mum is not a wine buddy.

Few tips on how to make the gift looked customized and decent:
1. Sweet, not too sweet
2. Small, woman like cute gifts
3. Decorations, I did buy a little wrapping to wrap it up
4. Easy to consume
5. Affordable

So a screwcap semi sweet half bottle Brown Brother Muscat becomes the choice. I bought some fancy accessories to wrap it like a necklace and here we go.

Honey, citrus peel and floral sweetness dominant wine. Simple and welcoming bouquet impressed mum easily. She loves it so much. I propose her to sip it daily when she is enjoying little Chinese dessert such as floral squares or biscuits. 

Happy Mother's Day~

Price: $117 at

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