Sunday, April 26, 2009

Everyday Bordeaux Wine Fair


不過大部份試的紅酒都比杯標籤上寫的都跟最後試的有點出入,可能是AIR 了很久吧。

試想想用2個多小時不停喝不同的酒,如果不想醉倒,確實要不停吃芝士去"解酒" 呢,KEKE...
最後只有1-2支值得推介,果味濃,TANNIN 合度好處,只是...我想是因為EVERYDAY WINE 有PRICE LIMIT OF $300,Aftertaste 很短,所以都不要有太大期望呢,一分錢一分貨。

以下是兩個比較impressive 的everyday wine.

Fleur de Rigaud, 由WINESHOP.COM 負責銷售,入口很醇、很滑,屬於較厚身而濃的cherry 味酒。相對其他同價的酒而言,它的aftertaste 比較長,是heavy body 愛好者之選。

另一選擇是BEL-AIR. 雖然我不是Plum& blackcurrent味的fans,但以它的long length & oakness確是sole drinking or cheese drinking 的良伴。

Monday, April 20, 2009

Stag Leap vs Clonakilla Shiraz Viognier 2006

After a hard day of work on weekend, wanna get rid of the tiresome by refreshing myself at Watson's Cellar, decided to consume a bottle as a gift for my tardiness to the bungalow in Lantau with my fds.

Welcomed by the sales in the cellar, it's almost 10pm, time to leave, so I just rush for sth between $400 so that we can have a decent tasting, end up, my request is... Shiraz...

In fact, the sales gave me 2 choices, Stag Leap (Wow, the big name from the US vs France competition!) and Clonakilla (Like a koala name, but the pattern is so authentic) , with no tasting. Well, doubtfully I try not to get both, until there is a point where I saw their wine vending machine, I spend my value-card for a zip of stag leap...

Not too impressive, but easy to drink,

so I finally go for the Clonakilla.

3 Hours later, I arrive at Lantau, we open the wine together with...violence as no bottle opener is available, we use...BBQ fork!!!!!!!~ Not to mention about the cork itself, but part of it is emerge into the wine, oaky oaky...

In fact I was impressed by this Shiraz Viognier a lot~

The pepper & spice is blending well with the blackberry fruit, balanced body, soft tannin, floral drink, easy to get new taster buy-in. Ready to drink and can last for at least 3 years longer without deterioriating. Would recommend to buy if it's...around $300, haha, still reasonable at this stage.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Watson Wine Cellar - Wine Tasting

太耐無post 添...其實事發係o係去台灣trip之前o既...

中環蘭桂芳附近開o左一間watson"s wine cellar
同平時o既branch一樣,唔同o既係...佢有一個wine tasting corner. 由於個location 係basement,又無乜promotion on the wine tasting corner, 我都只係有一日無聊食lunch 經過o既時候入去望o下.

原來個原理同sheration o既wine vending machine 有d 相似。我搵o左位同事同我盲中中去試o下...
首先係向cashier 買store value card, 有$60 deposit, 然後再加錢.
個vending machine 有大概7-8款酒,每種酒有自己mark o既price o既. 你可以選擇自己飲o既份,分別有25cc, 50cc 同埋 75cc. 25cc 有兩啖左右,如此類推。

我地兩個一見倒haut brion 就發o左癲...平時成支買都要$5000所以忍唔住去試。
點知一倒,原來只係得一啖...咁個serving o既staff 就話cellar 唔supply 呢隻酒,所以無得開新o既,唯有送25cc o既 Poyferre

Haut Brion 1998

果然係TOP 5 ,飲落去真係有一種感動ga...
long after taste, harmonious o既tannin, 有honey 同black fruit o既味。
雖然唔係話係我最favourite o既texture 同fruit combination, 但係以佢本身想做到o既style,我覺得釀造者拿掐得好好。

Chauteau Leoville Poyferre 2004


light body, 都有cherries ,但係好可惜我地係飲完haut brion 就飲佢,即刻顯得失色o左,唔係咁strong character lu...

Puligny Montrachet 1er Cru Les Combettes 2005

呢個係我自己試飲o既,同事另外試o左隻italian red,甜到好似port,唔記得叫咩名添...

montrachet 有好typical o既mineral 同埋hint of vanilla aroma,我自己本人唔係特別好mineral,估唔到同vanilla又幾夾,又一個可以explore o既白酒啦~ 唔錯唔錯..

我地咁樣試發,每人$130 就試o左3種貴價酒,實在超值,希望watson o既其他branch 有多的呢d machine ,好encourage customers 去買d 貴酒,win-win strategy o黎ga~ 多d promotion 就會有多d人參加啦~


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