Wednesday, August 14, 2013

First Growth Dinner - mouton 1981 2003

Seldom put aside the dishes when describing my wine dinner. Just that they weren't a good marriage in the beginning. Imagine a simple concept of having  pork companying with Cabernet Sauvignon?

Mouton 1981
Colour not reaching brick red. If not knowing the vintage, the closest guess would be 1999. Nose is very thick, slight hint of oak. Peak after opening for 2 hours, think already passed the peak. Drink immediately within the year, with mild steak or stewed beef.

Mouton 2003
Looking orange-red. However the aging of wine has not reached its peak. You can tell from the aftertaste that the ending is abrupt and not smooth. The indication of good potential is that the abrupt ending node is still swelling in mouth in a frozen state. Less potential to age ones are with deteriorating taste in palate and flat ends. Goes well with ribs and steak. However I was "enjoying" that with pig organs...mmm...

Lalande 1999
Hope I can taste it. I give away this chance to Work...well that's the source to support my luxurious wine life~

Now that I realize what matters to me is not solely the wine. It's everything that makes a dinner perfect. It's fate that I can't live a simple life with only with wine at Dai pai dong.

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